Privacy Policy

Verein zur Förderung des Kompetitiven Programmierens e.V. (in the following referred to as "CPUlm") stores personal data of the participants of GCPC 2024 (in the following referred to as "contest"). CPUlm stores and processes the data to organise and to carry out the contest.

1. Storage of personal data

CPUlm stores the following personal data of the participants:

  • Name
  • Mail-address
  • Area of study
  • Semester
  • Teamname
  • Affiliation

CPUlm protects the data against access of unauthorized parties. CPUlm deletes name, mail-address, area of study and semester of the participants after the end of the contest.

2. Usage of personal data

CPUlm uses personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending emails containing important information about the contest to the participants to organise the contest;
  • Teamname and affiliation are shown on the public scoreboard of the contest. The scoreboard remains publicly available after the contest;
  • Registering the contestants as participants of the contest in the contest registration system on

The organisers of the contest site and/or affiliation you register for may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sending emails containing important information about the contest site;
  • Sending emails containing important information related to the affiliation;
  • Show teamname and affiliation of the participants at the contest site (respectively affiliation) on a local scoreboard;
  • Prepare participation certificates and send them by e-mail or print and hand them out to the participants.

3. Access to personal data

Personal data can be accessed by the following people:

  • Administrators of the contest management system of CPUlm have access to personal data of all participants;
  • Organisers of an affiliation have access to personal data of participants registered for this affiliation;
  • Organisers of a contest site have access to personal data of participants registered to compete at that contest site.


Competitive Programming Ulm
AltaSigma GmbH
Thank you to AltaSigma GmbH, who kindly sponsored the infrastructure the contest judge runs on.

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Reach out to us (in German or English) at!